Вапоризатор Bentlon SoftSteamer Platinum
SoftSteamer Platinum
All-in-one model of superior quality! The
Bentlon SoftSteamer Platinum is the queen
of the SoftSteamers. A top model which combines
steaming with additional functionality
and options for the ultimate all-in-one model!
The design of the new Bentlon SoftSteamer
Platinum is sleek and modern but above
all innovative! From a practical point of
view, the Bentlon SoftSteamer Platinum is
a true workhorse with its integrated storage
drawerss on the front, a practical tray on top,
an integrated power point and a universal
magnifying lamp holder. It is this complete
concept that makes the Bentlon SoftSteamer
Platinum the rightful queen of the Soft-
The design of the new Bentlon SoftSteamer
Platinum is sleek and modern but above
all innovative! From a practical point of
view, the Bentlon SoftSteamer Platinum is
a true workhorse with its integrated storage
drawerss on the front, a practical tray
on top, an integrated power point and a
universal magnifying lamp holder. It is this
complete concept that makes the Bentlon
SoftSteamer Platinum the rightful queen of
the SoftSteamers!
475 $
Тип: Продаю
Автор: Ирина | Все объявления автора
Регист:Регист: с 07.02.2017 Зарегистрирован
Дата: 20.04.2017 10:56
Номер: 1289826
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